Short information about the paper to be delivered
Presentations in PDF and doc format;
Font: Times New Roman, font size 12, single line spacing, space between paragraphs: 5 lines;
Page layout: Left margin: 2,5 cm, right margin 1 cm, upper and lower margins 2 cm each. Text unformatted;
Citations: double quotation marks, Paraphrases: single quotation marks.
Details about the title page (page 1)
On top of the page: “Draft, not to be cited without permission!”
- Foto
- Name, surname
- Academic degree / Title
- Affiliation (Name of institution/university)
- Country
- Paper title in Ukrainian (please use capitals)
- Abstract (max. 50 words) + five key words in Ukrainian
- Paper title in English (please use capitals)
- Abstract (max. 50 words) + five key words in English
The text starts at page 2.
Bibliography: at the end of the text, according to the template:
- Name, (year), title of the monograph, publication location
- Name, (year), title of the article, name of the journal, No., pages
- Name, (year), title of the article, In: Name (Ed.), title, publication location, pages.
In the text please use author, year and page, e.g. (Osipov 1998, 72)
Paper registration (MS Word)